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Cathy Lamb Book Giveaway #CathyLambLove
The next ‪#‎CountdownToPromise‬ ‪giveaway‬ is here! Marin is giving away Kindle copies of Cathy Lamb's My Very Best Friend! Enter on the...

Goodreads Giveaway!
Enter for your chance to win an uncorrected proof of The Promise of Forgiveness!

Emily Liebert Book Giveaway #EmilyLiebertLove #‎CountdownToPromise‬ ‪Giveaway‬
The next ‪#‎CountdownToPromise‬ ‪giveaway‬ is here! Marin is giving away Kindle copies of Emily's Those Secrets We Keep! Enter on the...

Netgalley Reviewers!
Do you review books on netgalley? Sign up for a chance to review an advanced copy of The Promise of Forgiveness!

Curtiss Ann Matlock Book Giveaway #CurtissAnnMatlockLove #‎CountdownToPromise‬ ‪Giveaway‬
The next ‪#‎CountdownToPromise‬ ‪giveaway‬ is here! Marin is giving away Kindle copies of Curtiss Ann's Once Upon A Christmas! Enter on...

Joan Johnston Book Giveaway #JoanJohnstonLove‪ ‎#CountdownToPromise‬ ‪‎giveaway!
The next ‪#‎CountdownToPromise‬ ‪giveaway‬ is here! Marin is giving away Kindle copies of Joan's A Bitter Creek Christmas! Enter on the...

Harlequin Sale! 26 of My Books Are Included!
Harlequin is celebrating of 10 years of digital publishing and they are offering 10,000 e-book backlist titles priced at $1.99! I'm...

Debbie Macomber Book Giveaway #DebbieMacomberLove #CountdownToPromise Giveaway
I’m a huge fan of Debbie Macomber books and to celebrate my excitement at having Debbie’s endorsement on the cover of my first women’s...

#CountdownToPromise Giveaways!
Be sure to watch the Giveaways & Events Page on the website from November 9th and March 1st! There will also be posts on the Marin...
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